Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday Sept 4th 1.5: Sources of Power & Authority

Learning Targets: 1.5

Explain sources of power and authority in political systems.

Essential Knowledge:

Sources of power and authority include constitutions, religions, military forces, political parties, legislatures, and popular support; over time, course country (China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, or the United Kingdom) regimes have been affected by such sources, represented by:
a. The Communist Party’s control over China’s military, which provided power and authority to maintain regime stability
b. The transition of power from dictatorial rule in Iran to a theocracy based on Islamic Sharia law after the 1979 Revolution
c. The transition of power in Nigeria and Mexico to multiparty republics following military rule and single-party dominance, respectively
d. The political elite’s backing of a strong president in Russia, creating a managed democracy with election rules favoring one party
e. Constitutional reforms in the United Kingdom that devolved power to multiple parliaments, allowing the regime to maintain stability

Activity # 1

Login into AP Classroom. Complete 1.4 & 1.5 Topic Quiz

Activity # 2:

Assignment #1 - 

Click on the assignment link. We are going to complete this assignment for all 6 countries that we will be studying. Nigeria, China, Mexico, Iran, UK, Russia. During class today, you need to complete the chart(s). By the beginning of next class, 1 country needs to be filled out on the assignment. 

Activity # 3: 

Lesson Notes 1.1

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