Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday Sept 6th 1.6 Power and authority in political systems.

Learning Targets: 1.6

Explain sources of power and authority in political systems.

Essential Knowledge:

How a regime chooses to use power in support of sovereignty is determined in large part by its democratic or authoritarian characteristics— democratic regimes can maintain sovereignty using less power than authoritarian regimes.

Changes in regimes occur when rules and institutions are replaced either incrementally or suddenly, as a result of elections, coups, or revolutions in which a large portion of the population supports a change in the political system.

Governments, including political officeholders, can be changed more frequently and easily than regimes through the relatively peaceful process of elections, appointments, and lines of succession. However, governments also change by more violent means, such as revolutions or coups d’état, represented by such violent transitions in Iran and Nigeria

Activity # 1

Topic Quiz 1.6 - AP Classroom

Activity # 2:

Lesson Notes 1.1

Activity # 3:

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