Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday Sept. 12th - 1.10 Political Stability


Explain how internal actors influence and interact with state authority and either enhance or threaten stability


Internal actors can interact with governments to bolster or undermine regime stability and rule of law, represented by:
a. Contrasting methods to combat political corruption among the six course countries
b. State responses to separatist group violence, drug trafficking, and discrimination based on gender or religious differences in Iran, Mexico, and Nigeria
c. Varied state responses to mass protest movements that oppose governmental policies or their equal enforcement

State authorities of different regime types attempt to limit the influence of divisive and violent actors in their countries to attract more private capital and foreign direct investment and to improve economic growth.

Across the course countries, internal reform pressure from citizen protest groups and civil society can lead to the creation of new political institutions or policies to protect civil liberties, improve transparency, address election fairness and media bias, limit corruption, and ensure equality under law.

Activity # 1: 

As we get closer to our first unit test, next week you will need to know these vocabulary terms
- Unit 1 Vocab Terms - You need to put these terms into your notebook and define these terms.

Activity # 2:

Click on the Article link to read about Defining the Anti-Globalization Movement

Activity # 3:

Go to the AP Classroom site & complete Topic Quiz 1.7 today


Click on the PDF - Unit 1. Our test will be next week

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