Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday 3/26: China

Good morning everyone, Today I will begin our 1 on 1 short meetings. Here are the questions I am going to ask.. 1) How comfortable do you feel 2) Do you need anything to help in E-Learning? 3) What concerns do you have?

If you signed up for the 1:00 hour meeting block, use this link: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 618 132 618

Activity # 1:

Read the Article: China Congress, How Authorities Censor Thoughts

Activity # 2:

China Notes - Making of the Modern State - Please take notes

Activity # 3:

China Webquest - Assignment Due 3/29 by 11:59 pm. Turned in through google classroom. (Just fyi, I can see how long it took you to complete, if you copied, shared someone else's) Also, on this google doc, you will need to share doc with me

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