Sunday, March 22, 2020

Spring Break Announcement: E - Learning

Well, Spring Break 2020 turned out to be something else..

Here is our plan moving forward - We have two countries left to finish, one being China (Cough, Cough) Too Soon??

So, my plan is to keep going like we usually do in class. I am not going to overload you with items just bc we are now e-learning..

I know this is a very confusing time to be anywhere on planet Earth, however, just relax. We will get through this and we will adjust to our new online school. However, you MUST log onto the blog to see what is taking place.

I will be calling those that are falling behind. 

Activity # 1:

Log into google, (you will need a gmail account) We are going to use google classroom to turn all of our assignments in from now until we go back to face to face classroom setting.

Classroom code: mh4hta7

This will be the first grade & labeled E-Learning GMail in the gradebook.

Activity # 2:

I will be updating the blog with announcements & items just as if we were in class. I will post when items are due. 

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