Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday 3/30: China

If you signed up for the 1:00 hour meeting block, use this link:

Meeting ID: 557 786 788
Password: 022798

Activity # 1:

Moving forward, I am not going to follow the normal A & B Day rotation, because I have already forgot what day it is supposed to be. So instead, I am going to post activities & assignments on the blog every Monday & Wednesday. Friday am, I will set up office hours and be online grading, hosting a zoom meeting if necessary, answering emails, etc.

Activity # 2:

Read the Following Article - Worlds Most Powerful Man

Activity # 3:

China Notes - Making of the Modern State - Please take notes

China Notes - Institutions - Please take notes

Activity # 4: Video Links - Please watch the following videos

Constraints on China's New Leadership

China May Ease One Child Policy

Why is Tibet so Important to China

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday 3/26: China

Good morning everyone, Today I will begin our 1 on 1 short meetings. Here are the questions I am going to ask.. 1) How comfortable do you feel 2) Do you need anything to help in E-Learning? 3) What concerns do you have?

If you signed up for the 1:00 hour meeting block, use this link: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 618 132 618

Activity # 1:

Read the Article: China Congress, How Authorities Censor Thoughts

Activity # 2:

China Notes - Making of the Modern State - Please take notes

Activity # 3:

China Webquest - Assignment Due 3/29 by 11:59 pm. Turned in through google classroom. (Just fyi, I can see how long it took you to complete, if you copied, shared someone else's) Also, on this google doc, you will need to share doc with me

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday 3/24: Zoom Sign Up Sheet

Good morning everyone, on today's blog I have created a link where I need you to sign up for a 5 min one on one with yours truly.. This will begin Thursday and continue until I see each one of you..

Activity # 1:

FILLED* Google Link FILLED* to sign up for a time slot.. Don't stand me up!!

For those who were unable to sign up today, please use this Google Link

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday 3/24 pm: Getting Set - Up

Activity # 1:

Log into google, (you will need a gmail account) We are going to use google classroom to turn all of our assignments in from now until we go back to face to face classroom setting.

Classroom code: mh4hta7

This will be the first grade & labeled E-Learning GMail in the gradebook.

Activity # 2:

Please click the on the word ZOOM, you will need to create an account.

Please use your First & Last name and your school email in this process. We are going to set up a time to do a video conference / class by the end of the week

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Spring Break Announcement: E - Learning

Well, Spring Break 2020 turned out to be something else..

Here is our plan moving forward - We have two countries left to finish, one being China (Cough, Cough) Too Soon??

So, my plan is to keep going like we usually do in class. I am not going to overload you with items just bc we are now e-learning..

I know this is a very confusing time to be anywhere on planet Earth, however, just relax. We will get through this and we will adjust to our new online school. However, you MUST log onto the blog to see what is taking place.

I will be calling those that are falling behind. 

Activity # 1:

Log into google, (you will need a gmail account) We are going to use google classroom to turn all of our assignments in from now until we go back to face to face classroom setting.

Classroom code: mh4hta7

This will be the first grade & labeled E-Learning GMail in the gradebook.

Activity # 2:

I will be updating the blog with announcements & items just as if we were in class. I will post when items are due. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday 3/11: Russia Test

Good afternoon everyone,

Due to my kids school getting out 2 hours early today, hence my absence.

Today is Russia Test Day. You will need to put the desks in rows, and you may use your notebooks with the review. However, you may not use google, so the test will be on the lockdown browser..

Click the link below to begin the test:

Russia Test