Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday 10/16: 2.2 Comparing Parliamentary, Presidential, and SemiPresidential Systems


The structure and function of political institutions reflect the allocation of power within a political system.


Compare institutional relations among parliamentary, presidential, and semi-presidential systems.


Although parliamentary systems have fewer institutional obstacles to enact policy than presidential systems (presidential systems have divided branch powers), parliamentary systems have their own checks on the executive branch.

Parliaments may censure cabinet ministers, refuse to pass executive proposed legislation, question the executive and cabinet ministers, and impose time deadlines on calling new elections.

Activity # 1:

Queen's Speech  - Click on link and read what happens when the Queen addresses Parliament, also known as the Queens Speech.

Video Link on Queen's Speech

Activity # 2:


Read the article - Media's Role in British Politics

Complete the assignment that goes with the Article - Media's Role

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