Monday, August 26, 2019

Aug 26th - Comp Gov


Explain how political scientists construct knowledge and communicate inferences and explanations about political systems, institutional interactions, and behavior.

Describe differences between regimes, states, nations, and governments.

Describe democracy and authoritarianism.


Analysis of quantitative and qualitative information (including charts, tables, graphs, speeches, foundational documents, political cartoons, maps, and political commentaries) is a way to make comparisons between and inferences about course countries.

Analyzing empirical data using quantitative methods facilitates making comparisons among and inferences about course countries.

The Human Development Index (HDI) b. Gross domestic product (GDP) and GDP per capita c. GDP growth rate d. Gini index (coefficient) e. Freedom House f. Transparency International g. Failed States Index

Factors that indicate the degree of democracy or authoritarianism of states include the extent of state adherence to rule of law, such as: a. The principle that a state should be governed by law and not arbitrary decisions made by individual government officials b. The degree of state influence on or control of the media c. The degree and practice of free and fair elections d. The degree of transparency of governmental decision making e. The nature of citizen participation in government

The branches of national government in democratic regimes are more likely to be independent of one another than in authoritarian regimes. Independence can serve to prevent any one branch from controlling all governmental power.

Authoritarian regimes include illiberal democracies or hybrid regimes, one-party states, theocracies, totalitarian governments, and military regimes.


Mini Lesson:

Lesson Notes 1.1

Activity # 2

Nation V. State

Activity # 3

Illiberal Democracy and Vladimir Putin's Russia Article


Read pages 27 - 35

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