Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Aug 20th - Comp Gov

Lesson 1.1A1 & 1.1A2


Explain how political scientists construct knowledge and communicate inferences and explanations about political systems, institutional interactions, and behavior.


Analysis of quantitative and qualitative information (including charts, tables, graphs, speeches, foundational documents, political cartoons, maps, and political commentaries) is a way to make comparisons between and inferences about course countries.

Analyzing empirical data using quantitative methods facilitates making comparisons among and inferences about course countries.

Activity # 1
Video in Class - 200 Countries, 200 Years

Activity # 2
Reading Handout - What's Wrong with Democracy

ASAP - Historical Documents
Author - What do we know about the author?  
How does this shape the document?
Setting - What is the context?  
What was happening during this time that might have influenced the author?
Audience - Who was this intended for?  
How might this have shaped the language of the document?
Purpose -  What did the author hope the document would accomplish?

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