Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday 12/4: 2.7 Independent Legislatures


The structure and function of political institutions reflect the allocation of power within a political system.


Explain how legislative powers are constrained by other institutions and/or processes, which can affect legislative independence.


Legislative powers can be constrained by other governmental institutions, including:
a. China’s Politburo Standing Committee, which is the actual center of power in the Chinese state
b. China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), which assumes legislative duties most of the year when the NPC is not in session, sets NPC legislative agenda, supervises NPC member elections, and interprets the Constitution and laws
c. Iran’s Expediency Council, which is selected by the Supreme Leader as an advisory committee to resolve disputes between the Majles and the Guardian Council
d. Iran’s Guardian Council, which vets candidates and oversees the Majles to make sure laws comply with Islamic law

Legislatures have the potential to reinforce legitimacy and stability by responding to public demand, openly debating policy, facilitating compromise between factions, extending civil liberties, and restricting the power of the executive

Activity 1:

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Making of the Modern State of Mexico Notes

Activity # 2:

Cautious Progress Article

Activity # 3:

President Trump - Mexico Article

Activity # 4:

Keys to Mexico - Assignment

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